About Us
Established in 1904
The Choir meets for practice every Monday evening at 7 p.m. (September through May) at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 81st Avenue and 100 Street, our new home, commencing with the 2015/15 season. We are always happy to welcome prospective new members.
Our New Choir Director -2024- is Josiah Maxfield and our accompanist on piano, organ and harp is Audrey Stewart (see Photo Pages for Bio’s)- their combined musical talents will help us to perform to a high standard, plus we enjoy cameraderie and help each other to achieve our goals.
We have a varied program, always including some Welsh music, plus folk songs, religious music and spirituals from around the world.
We have two annual fund-raising concerts, both held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
We have welcomed some new members recently, but would still like to recruit more
(where are all the tenors?)
We have scheduled several new singouts this year – See our “Activities” page for details.
Are you interested in singing with the Choir? Qualifications for joining are few; a musical ear, paying membership dues, a commitment to attend weekly rehearsals, and a desire to contribute to the community
* * * New singers are always welcome * * *
For details, call: 780-463-7279 or 780-439-5033 or e-mail us from our “Contact Us” page.
We look forward to welcoming you,
The Choir Executive.
Attend one of our practices to see if this is for you. You will be made most welcome
Commit to attending regular practice, join us for community singouts. There is a membership fee which helps to cover expenses.
We will place you in the best section for your voice range. You will be helped by members of your section.
Although it helps to be able to read music, it is not required. There is lots of opportunity to learn the music simply by singing with a group.
The choir wishes to acknowledge generous financial suport from the following organizations :